If 65+ or Disabled, Please Click Here

Why is Chilton ISD having a bond election?

On May 6th, 2023, the Chilton ISD community will have the opportunity to vote on the district’s $14 million bond package

What is included in this bond package?

Proposition A

  • Safety & security upgrades to the Primary as well as the Secondary campus

  • Renovations to the Primary school including to restrooms, classrooms, common areas, and the library

  • Adding classroom space to the existing high school to allow for removal of the existing portable classrooms to enhance safety and security

  • Upgrades to the existing Ag Shop

  • An expanded and renovated cafetorium

  • A new band hall with storage space

  • Added locker rooms and weight room to the existing gym

  • Updated playgrounds

65+ Homestead Exemption

Under state law, the dollar amount of school taxes imposed on the residence homestead of a person 65 years of age or older cannot be increased above the amount paid in the first year after the person turned 65 or disabled.

You must apply for this exemption.

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